Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gardy hates Bartlett

How much does Gardenhire hate Bartlett if he is willing to pinch hit Tyner for him. So far this season They are basically the same player. In their careers Bartlett has been better and has a better upside. So why would you actually make a move just to put in the same player?

And why tweak the confidence of Bartlett. Gardy has already yanked him around enough. Show some confidence and patience in your shortstop.

Well,Tyner is lefthanded. But it is a crucial situation. There are 2 outs and nobody is on base. The run expectancy is already very low and adding Tyner to the mix doesn't change a thing. So why make a move.

Bartlett must have made a move on one of Gardy's daughter's. Why else would he hate Jason Bartlett so much.


At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it has to do with Soriano pitching. RHB are batting .070 & OBA.111 / against him


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